
“a dream becomes a reality when you can picture it in your mind.”

Ever since I was a little girl, my mom always told me that “a dream becomes a reality when you can picture it in your mind.” I think I have repeated that over and over in my head for years.

When I was a child, I grew up in a home full of entrepreneurs and leaders. The amount of time, energy, passion and love that was put into my parents and grandparents work was inspiring. I knew they were a tough act to follow, and I had big shoes to fill.

It wasn’t until I had children of my own, that I finally started to realize what they had been teaching me for so long and the lessons I learned.  They led by example; and I had to go through my own experiences to find that love, that passion that kept them working like they did….so hard.

"Just Everyday People" are three words that bring me joy.

They bring me joy, because I understand the meaning behind them.  There is nothing that puts a smile on my face or gives warmth and comfort to my heart, then receiving a gift from someone that is handmade.  These hand makers are not big corporate celebrities, they are simply "just everyday people", making things that bring them joy.

Would you rather have your mom’s homemade apple pie, or do you want the store bought frozen one?”

When people ask me what “Just Everyday People” is, I ask them this: “Would you rather have your mom’s homemade apple pie, or do you want the store bought frozen one?”  For some reason, I always hold close the items I have bought or received as a gift that are handmade, because I know the amount of love that went into it, and in most cases, they are one of a kinds – this isn’t something I can go online or into a big box store and buy again and again.  Someone…somewhere, spent countless hours with their hands, making something that would one day work its way into my hands.  That gift is priceless.

Now with two beautiful daughters of my own, I too try to lead by example and often remind myself that we are all doing the best we can to create a life we love living.  I hope I demonstrate a hard work ethic, dream chasing and most of all passion.  If we don’t love what we are doing, we are not truly living.

Just Everyday People was at one time just a dream; a dream that was so far away.  I thought to myself, how can I tell my daughters to reach for the stars, if I am not doing it myself.  I felt like a hypocrite.  So…as the saying goes, I pulled up my big girl pants and got to work.  

I hope you enjoy these handmade treasures as much as I do.  This is all for my fancy faces (aka: Sydney and Londyn). I love watching them on this journey with me.  They both have been an integral part in the startup and growth, and I feel grateful.  

Life is short, do what you love.  We are just everyday people, doing things that bring us joy, with a little coffee to help us along the way.

- xo, Shawna -

Shawna standing in front of port with mountains in the background
woman on horseback looking out over field
girl riding horse
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