Just Everyday People

We are proud to offer handmade items produced by everyday people doing things that bring them joy.

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Meet Our Brands

Just Everyday People is proud to carry products crafted by local artisans. Meet some of the hands behind our brands and explore the products they create.

Who We Are

When people ask me what “Just Everyday People” is, I ask them this: “Would you rather have your mom’s homemade apple pie, or do you want the store bought frozen one?”  For some reason, I always hold close the items I have bought or received as a gift that are handmade, because I know the amount of love that went into it, and in most cases, they are one of a kinds – this isn’t something I can go online or into a big box store and buy again and again.  Someone…somewhere, spent countless hours with their hands, making something that would one day work its way into my hands.  That gift is priceless.

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